Bus Transportation Banner

2025-2026 School Year
School Bus Sign ups are Open

Transportation Sign Up Closes: Friday, July 11, 2025

School Bus Sign ups are Open!

Everyone who plans on riding the bus must request transportation every year, regardless of grade (except PreK), distance to school, or if you qualify for a waiver.

To begin sign up, click on the following link to Family Connection Bus Registration. Be sure to choose the tab "Transportation Request Form" to sign up.

Instructions can also be found in the links below.

Bus Pass Fees:

Requested AND Paid by June 13, 2025 ($20.00 discount per student):

Payments Received after June 16, 2025:

Note: Your request is not complete until payment is received

$280 = First Student

$300 = First Student

$255 = Second Student

$275 = Second Student

$205 = Third Student

$225 = Third Student

$740 = Max per Family

$800 = Max per Family

Missed Deadline: If you miss the deadline & do not request before July 11, 2025, your child/children will be placed on a waitlist and will not be guaranteed a seat on the bus for the first day of school.

In accordance with the policies of the Mansfield School Committee, transportation will be provided to students based on the following:

● Students in grades K-6 that live 2.0 miles or more away from their assigned school will be provided transportation at no charge.

● Students in grades K-6 that live 1.99 miles or closer from their assigned school are eligible for transportation but must pay the fee posted. (see PDF link on Family Connection)

● All students in grades 7-12 no matter the distance from their assigned school are eligible for transportation but must pay the fee posted.