Course Registration
Course Registration Process
Grades 9-11
Grade 8 (Incoming 9th graders)
Course Registration Procedures - GRADES 9-11
Below is the timetable to be followed for the course registration process:
Feb. 28- March 9, 2023 – Teachers will explain to the students the courses that are available within the department, including the prerequisites, content and expectations of the courses. During this period students may consult with teachers about recommendations for courses and/or changes in recommendations.
March 1, 2023 - Students in grades 9, 10 and 11 will listen to asynchronous presentations to learn about the online registration process. They will be able to review their teacher recommendations for next year on Aspen, as well as download a handout of the list of course offerings and policies and procedures. The registration timeline will also be discussed. The complete Program of Studies can be found on the MHS website.
Feb. 28 – March 9, 2023 – Students will consult with parents and select courses online through X2.
March 9, 2023 – Students must complete their online course registration by this date. The portal closes at 11:59pm in the evening. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to call their child’s teachers if they have any questions concerning the recommendations.
March 13- April 14, 2023 - School counselors will meet with each student to review their course selections.
Confirmation of requested courses will be mailed home in May.
Teachers in academic disciplines will review their recommendations in May. Based on the student’s performance during the spring, any changes in recommendations will be shared with parents/guardians and the School Counseling department in order to help students make the best decisions.
The last day to request a change to the course requests is the last day of school in June.